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Introducing students to the fun of science through hands-on interactive experiments, adventures, and entertainment. We develop curriculum allowing students to experience how science works in the real world - presenting programs in a nurturing, encouraging environment where students build self-esteem while learning.
Introducing students to the fun of science through hands-on interactive experiments, adventures, and entertainment. We develop curriculum allowing students to experience how science works in the real world - presenting programs in a nurturing, encouraging environment where students build self-esteem while learning.
Introducing students to the fun of science through hands-on interactive experiments, adventures, and entertainment. We develop curriculum allowing students to experience how science works in the real world - presenting programs in a nurturing, encouraging environment where students build self-esteem while learning.
Introducing students to the fun of science through hands-on interactive experiments, adventures, and entertainment. We develop curriculum allowing students to experience how science works in the real world - presenting programs in a nurturing, encouraging environment where students build self-esteem while learning.
Introducing students to the fun of science through hands-on interactive experiments, adventures, and entertainment. We develop curriculum allowing students to experience how science works in the real world - presenting programs in a nurturing, encouraging environment where students build self-esteem while learning.
Astăzi trăim deopotrivă un prezent febril și viitorul, în timp ce îl imaginăm. Nu doar tehnologia determină mutațiile și transformările pe care le parcurgem. Invit cititorii să parcurgă colecția de gânduri și povești pe care o oferă această carte, 100 de eseuri care descriu semnificația lui altfel , în tot atâtea feluri diferite, și le promit bucuria de a descoperi că există minți neștiute care transformă visele în realitate. Cultură, evoluție cognitivă și cercetare.